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Dallas Photographer, Plano Photographer, Fantasy Photography, Gothic Photography, Gothic
Dallas Photographer, Plano Photographer, Gothic Photography, Dallas Fantasy Photographer
Dallas Photographer, Plano Photographer, Dallas Fantasy Photographer, Plano Fantasy Photographer
Dallas Photographer, Plano Photographer, Gothic Photography, Gothic, Dallas Fantasy Photographer
Dallas Fantasy Photography, Plano Fantasy Photographer, Dallas Photographer, Plano Photographer, Gothic Photography
Dallas Fantasy Photographer, Plano Fantasy Photographer, Portrait Photography, Dallas Photographer, Plano Photographer
Dallas Photographer, Plano Photographer, Gothic Photography, Gothic, Portrait Photography

Grieving and Mourning

I want to thank Amalia and Whitley for creating with me and making this emotional concept come to life. Art therapy exists, and this honestly did help me to process my emotions and how I have been feeling lately.

I have been grieving and deeply missing my grandma. I grew up next to her and we were close. I was counting down the days to call her and wish her a happy birthday, and she passed away seven days before her birthday.

This has been hurting as I will never be able to see or talk to her again…it’s been heartwrenching seeing my family heartbroken and that’s because there was a lot of love and laughs throughout the years.

We love her so much…so much that it hurts seeing my grandfather being upset as he is a man to not show those kind of emotions. He described having her face in his hand and realizing she was no longer breathing. She was waiting for him to go. He said his world ended. My grandparents were married for 69 years. Can you imagine how that feels?

I had this grieving and mourning concept planned out ahead of time, and then with the loss of my grandma, I said to Amalia and Whitley that I still wanted to go through with it.

I had purple lighting as my Grandma collected amethyst glass. The flowers at her funeral had reds, whites, and purples, and her casket was white with silver trimming.

Experiencing seeing a love one lying in a coffin is very heartbreaking. I was waiting for her to say her “Oh hi,” happily as usual, but she would not wake up. She looked beautiful and peaceful. I was able to see her and say goodbye and that I love her.

I did wish her a happy bday with some autumn flowers and candy corn, her favorite candy of the season. I teared up reading my last bday card to her. Definitely not how I wanted to wish her a happy birthday. I love her and it hurts.

I was told that this kind of loss stays fresh over a year, and you never stop missing them. Grief goes in waves of emotions. I definitely have been processing and feeling, and creating art and keeping in touch with love ones has been helpful.